Daily Archives: May 2, 2014

“FUN” Friday



I have always wanted to Bungee Jump. Yes, I would be scared sh****** but it’s the thrill. I am not an adrenaline junkie, I don’t go looking for crazy things to do everyday. Sometimes, I just need/want to do something different. I almost did it in New Zealand but our tour truck was acting up and I was the only one who wanted to do it, so we skipped by the site. I wish I had of did it. I still want to do it but now I have 2 little babies and priorities change so I’m not sure I could do it.  It’s still staying on my list… for further assessment.

All was not lost in the “crazy out of my mind” category while in New Zealand. I did do something just as crazy and it was awesome! I jumped out of a plane! I did it in one of the most amazing places on Earth.

I will never forget the feelings of sheer nervous-ness as the plane climbed to 12,000 ft above earth’s surface. It seemed to take so long. The scenery was incredible. I was flying over top Fox Glacier and the images will forever be engraved in my mind.

As I was hanging out of the side of the plane, I couldn’t help but think “am I really doing this”? I really didn’t have time to back out (I wouldn’t have anyway) but that free fall at 200 kmph really puts things in perspective. The only thing I remember thinking while falling was that my fingers were freezing. At least it wasn’t fear that the instructors chute wouldn’t open or he would have a heart attack while on my back!

Here are some pics from my experience….





