Tag Archives: animals

“FUN” Friday




I have always wanted to go on an African Safari. I made it a goal for my 30th birthday to get there and it didn’t happen. Boo! Although, it seems a bit harder to go at this point in my life I have hopes that someday I will make it there. I want to see all those amazing animals roaming freely in their habitat.


Photo Source: Unknown

Speaking of amazing animals… and in honour of World Penguin Day (which is today)…

I had the opportunity to see some when I visited New Zealand in 2006. We took a tour to the Otago Peninsula and got to see yellow eyed penguins, sea lions, seals, sheep and albatross all in the same day. You could get so close to the sea lions. They are beautiful, massive creatures and a bit scary at times when they open their mouth!

wildlife NZ collage

I could have watched the penguins all day. They were roaming around the field with the sheep and down to the beach. There was a particular couple I had my eyes on though. They were expecting and the male was constantly carrying things up to the nest to make it more comfortable for his little lady. He would not leave her side. It was amazing to watch. Here are some of my pictures. If you get the chance to go, we went with Elm Wildlife Tours.











I adore donkeys! I don’t know what it is about them but I “LOVE” them. I think they are adorable, fun and they have been a part of some memorable times in my life. I don’t own any, although at one point in my life I thought it would be pretty cool to have a donkey farm. Maybe it’s the fact that they are a bit like me… STUBBORN. We have something in common.

My bucket list item for today is… to volunteer at a donkey sanctuary. It just so happens I have been to two of them. In 2009, I ended up going on a girl’s trip (kind of last minute) to Aruba. We all did some research and tried to fit in something that someone wanted to see or do while we were there. I discovered that they had a donkey sanctuary in Aruba and that is where I wanted to go. So, one day we rented jeeps and drove everywhere. We finally found the sanctuary but unfortunately it was closed for the day 😦  The donkeys, however were out so we got to have a little interaction with them on the other side of the fence. Yes, I was disappointed as I  would have liked to go in and talk to someone but it just didn’t happen. I was happy to give a little love from the other side…

http://main.arubandonkey.org/portal/    and   https://www.facebook.com/donkey.sanctuary.aruba

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Donkey Sanctuary Aruba– March 12, 2009

Last year, while trying to find something to do with the kiddies, I discovered that we had a Donkey Sanctuary of Canada. How did I not know about this?! To make it even crazier, it is only about a 1 hour drive from me! I can’t believe I didn’t see/hear about this place. As soon as I saw it, I knew that’s where we would go…and we did! I loved it. We had a great afternoon learning about all the donkeys and their stories. It is a beautiful working farm. We discovered they also have volunteer days where you can go and help out with the donkeys.

As soon as my girls get a little bit bigger, I plan on crossing this off my bucket list (maybe a few times). I think it would be good to volunteer every year so I can get a few cuddles in as well.

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donkey can5Donkey Sanctuary of Canada

May 19, 2013


“FUN” Friday- Donkeys Donkeys