Category Archives: Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday


For today’s Throwback Thursday, I am going back quite far.

Unfortunately, I’m not sure how far as I only had a tiny photo with no date on it. I apologize for the “fuzziness” but like I said- it really is a small photo! I tried to enlarge the best I know how. It is of my Nanny and Gramps.

They look amazing, don’t they?

nan & gramps- TT


Throwback Thursday


I am only going back two weeks! Is that far enough? It has been a zoo around here and I am now just getting to some of my photos! Two weeks ago- my baby graduated Pre-School. It was a fun morning and I am thankful to my family for showing up and making her feel so important 🙂 She was very excited to have all of us there.

It’s still sinking in that she will not be with me everyday come September. She has been at my side for the past 4 years. I am going to take this hard. She is ready. She is excited. I am not. I can’t stand the thought of not having her by my side. It’s going to be a hard one for me. My eyes are welling up as I write this. As much as you want them to grow up happy, making friends, learning independence, being challenged- how do you let them go? You have to place so much trust in the “new circle” of people that they will be with everyday and you really don’t even know them- the teachers, the bus drivers, even the friends parents. I know every parent has went through this but she is my first. I have not went through this and it scares me. I know we will adjust in time but right now, it’s the great unknown…

Here are a couple of pics from September 2013- her first day of Pre-School 🙂

zoe preschool grad- 2013 TT-2 zoe preschool grad- 2013 TT



And here is a collage from two weeks ago as she graduated Pre- School ❤

zoe preschool grad

Throwback Thursday


Being it is “Graduation” time for a lot of students I thought I would post my Grad photos from Grade 8, Highschool and College. Oh My! Happy Graduation to all those students out there… Congrats! Way to go! 🙂

Happy Throwback Thursday!

Pic 1- Grade 8-  I'm in the pink dress. I had no photos of me by myself! Pic 2- Highschool- I love this photo! It is the only one I have of just me and my grandparents from both sides <3 Pic 3- College- The only one I have by myself!

Pic 1- Grade 8- I’m in the pink dress. I had no photos of me by myself!
Pic 2- Highschool- I love this photo! It is the only one I have of just me and my grandparents from both sides
Pic 3- College- The only one I have by myself!

Throwback Thursday


I have no idea when this photo was taken! It is of my mom, my two brothers and I. Staying in the theme of Dad’s, I wanted to post this. My Dad has always been a huge provider to our family and he still is to this day. He helps us whenever we need it and for that, we are all very grateful and very thankful. So Dad, from all of us… THANK YOU! xoxo


mom and us


Throwback Thursday


I am going back to June 28, 2010. Four years ago, my niece Darion graduated Grade 8. Tonight is her highschool prom. It is hard to believe she will be leaving us in the fall to go to University. She will do great things and I wish her all the best as she starts a new and exciting chapter. She will be missed but I can’t wait too hear about all her new adventures that are awaiting her. Love you, Darion.

xoxo Aunt Bean

Happy Grad Darion

June 28, 2010

Throwback Thursday


Yesterday, my baby girl had her year end class trip for pre-school. We went bowling and to the park for a picnic lunch. It was alot of fun and we all had a good time. Before we left the bowling alley we got a class picture- the first of many!

That leads me to my Throwback Thursday. I don’t have a pre-school or kindergarden class photo but I do have a Grade 1 photo.

class pic-grade 1

It’s not hard to tell in all my class photos where I am. I was always the smallest in my class  (look at my feet just off the chair) and in every class photo I was front row center (with the exception of this one and my Grad one where I was one off of the center.

Throwback Thursday


UPDATE: Oh Lord! See how frazzled I am! I just realized tonight that I posted this Throwback Thursday on a Friday. Good Lord, I think I am losing my mind. “FUN” Friday will return next week. Sorry for the confusion.

I’m back! I apologize for not posting so much the last week or two! It has been nutso around here. We had some holidays, too many appointments and the kids have been driving me absolute bonkers! I’m not sure if it’s because of the weather or what but wow! I feel like I’m gonna rip my hair out… I hope it changes soon… they are tiring me out!

I’m not going back too far for this one but it is adorable. Last September, we attended a fundraiser event and they had a school bus there that the kids could get on and sit in the seats. Zoë was ecstatic to try it out… she didn’t want to get off.

Jump ahead 8 months and we just wrapped up a few “kindy” classes for her. She got to tour and play in her soon-to-be classroom, meet her classmates etc. and the last one she got to ride on the school bus around the block. Imagine her delight! Her face shows it all… pure joy and excitement. Kids are the best. It doesn’t take a lot to please them and the happiness in her face is so refreshing to me. Let’s hope it remains when she realizes I can’t go on the bus with her as well as go to school with her. I have been prepping her but we’ll see…

Bus Collage

Throwback Thursday


I’ve been dreaming of the beach. You know- the hot sun, the sand beneath your toes, a humid breeze, the smell of suntan lotion, the swaying palm trees…. and the DELICIOUS drinks that are served whenever you want. I’m going back to November 2009. I went on a girl’s trip to Aruba and enjoyed many many many of these delicious drinks! If anyone can please please please tell me what kind they are and how to make one-I would be forever grateful. I would like to be sipping on one or two of these whenever our summer arrives.

Aruba -2009

Throwback Thursday


This Throwback Thursday is dedicated to my big brother Rob. His birthday is on Tuesday so I wanted to do a big shout out to him. I found this poem by Olivia AR and thought it was perfect for this occasion. Happy Birthday Rob- Love You xoxo


“From Little Sister to Big Brother”

A brother is the first real friend a sister gets to know,
And when we bicker, kick and fight, our affections really show.

It’s strange to think back on our lives and realize how much we’ve changed,
From bitter sweet encounters, to a love we have rearranged.

To fit our sibling rivalries, from little sister to big brother,
I write these words in hopes you know that I’d never trade you for another.

A sister’s love does run more than just skin deep,
She worries for her oldest friend and has faith that he’d like to keep,

These words of truth and caring for the brother she loves so dear,
Which might bring a welcome smile, and a possible happy tear.

So keep in mind the nice times and those times when we were bad,
That even though we fought or loved, they were the best times we’ve ever had.

rob b-day


Throwback Thursday


I’m going back 12 years! Sorry Dad! I think this is such a funny picture and it makes me smile every time I see it.  My dad has had an afternoon “siesta” as long as I can remember. He can fall asleep at the drop of a hat.  It’s never long, about 20 minutes but it gets him through the rest of the day. I always thought he was crazy doing this… wasting his day.

One thing I have noticed since having kids is “I am my father’s daughter”. Not that I get to nap in the middle of the day (almost impossible) with 2 little kids but I definitely could. It seems from the few times that I have got to nap, I can also fall asleep “at the drop off a hat”. I only need that 20 minutes and I feel refreshed.

March 16, 2002

March 16, 2002

This photo was taken as my dad had his afternoon “siesta”. He was sleeping so soundly that he didn’t realize we were “decorating” him with my nephew’s toys. He woke up a little while later and was utterly surprised- I wish I had a picture of his reaction upon waking. It was priceless. Thanks for the laugh, Dad! Love you xoxo