Throwback Thursday


This Throwback Thursday is dedicated to my big brother Rob. His birthday is on Tuesday so I wanted to do a big shout out to him. I found this poem by Olivia AR and thought it was perfect for this occasion. Happy Birthday Rob- Love You xoxo


“From Little Sister to Big Brother”

A brother is the first real friend a sister gets to know,
And when we bicker, kick and fight, our affections really show.

It’s strange to think back on our lives and realize how much we’ve changed,
From bitter sweet encounters, to a love we have rearranged.

To fit our sibling rivalries, from little sister to big brother,
I write these words in hopes you know that I’d never trade you for another.

A sister’s love does run more than just skin deep,
She worries for her oldest friend and has faith that he’d like to keep,

These words of truth and caring for the brother she loves so dear,
Which might bring a welcome smile, and a possible happy tear.

So keep in mind the nice times and those times when we were bad,
That even though we fought or loved, they were the best times we’ve ever had.

rob b-day


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