Daily Archives: April 11, 2014

“FUN” Friday



This may seem a bit weird but I have always wanted to be a “cartoon voice”. I think this would be so fun!  No, I can’t sing or anything like that but I do have a bit of a high pitched squeal-y voice. I think it would be so awesome to see a cartoon on a big screen that sounds like me. I think my girls would probably love this as well! I pretty much figure that Disney will not be calling me out of the blue but it’s a good one for my bucket list… If anyone knows of a little “voiceless” cartoon in need… give me a shout!!!

Even though I have no cartoon character to give a voice too, I have had a few cartoon caricatures made of me! My sister-in-law is of great talent and has did a few for me in the past. She is so awesome! Here are my cartoons.

Cartoon Tina

Cartoon Tina

George & I- Our Wedding

George & I- Our Wedding