Daily Archives: April 18, 2014

“FUN” Friday



One of my dream jobs would be to be an Archaeologist. There’s just something about the mystery of what you may find. The history involved is incredible and the stories connected with the “finds” must be so fascinating. I am sure it is “back breaking” work. When I traveled to England, I had heard there may have been a way to join a dig for a day but unfortunately, it never worked out. If I ever hear of anything around here- I am definitely going to try it out.

The closet thing I have ever done to digging something up (beside matchbox cars in the sandbox) was  digging for gold in New Zealand. It wasn’t an “authentic” gold dig but it was fun and I got my little vial of gold flakes to prove it. I did it in the  little town of Ross. It is located in the Westland District on the West Coast of New Zealand’s South Island.

gold digging



gold digging2